Our missions

We assist companies with their accounting needs in whatever form they may take (outsourcing of accounting, review of the accounts, special consultations, etc.). We have offers designed for french subsidiaries of foreign groups.

We assist companies with all their french tax obligations and special needs (tax audits, analysis of the tax situation, etc.). We manage the whole tax compliance of the French entity.

We offer our clients consulting missions on various topics such as company law, forecasts, controlling, etc.

You are looking for a tailor-made service?

Contact us to define together a service proposal.

Contact us

Your business partner.

We are dedicated to be a business partner to support the growth of your business.

Hexagone Advisory assists all types of business from the entrepreneur to the multinational firm in all business sectors.

Thanks to its experience and culture, Hexagone Advisory has developed a particular knowledge in assisting french subsidiaries of foreign groups and growing companies.

Contact us.